Jumaat, 21 September 2012

Week 5: Gestalt Effect and Schema Theories.

Gestalt Effect and Schema Theories are mainly focused on how consumers read, analyze and understand the visual world. Gestalt theory claims that “the whole is different than the sum of its parts”. Here is an example to illustrate:

If you look at the image very carefully, you can see it is a dog sniffing the ground. There is actually no clear image that it is a dog, instead we only can see discontinuous line and dots of black and white. Even so, we still can identify the image by using the law of closure. Our mind tried to “correct” the contradictions and missing lines until the image become complete.

There are 5 laws of Gestalt Theory; proximity, similarity, common fate, pregnantz and closure. Let’s 
 clarify more three of these laws.
  1. Law of proximity.
  •  Objects are placed near to each other.
  • Purpose: eye fixation.

Circles are group together to create an arrow.

Snickers are group together and create a circle shaped.

Law of similarity
  • Tendency of like parts band together.
  • Purpose: emphasis of message, creates unique effect.


Man icon, all in black except one in orange color.

Group of fruits classify in same kind.

3.      Law of closure
  • Things, objects or shapes tend to be grouped together and seen as a whole.
  •  Purpose: manipulate perception, create subtle effect.


No continuous line, but create a zebra image.

The missing lines in the picture, yet the mind still can see it as a giraffe.

Another concept in the Gestalt Theory is called Schema. Schema Theory is a mental pattern that describes how we create psychological representations to conceive and understand what is being represented. In order to observe the world, framework should be adapted to fit reality. It is important to study Schema Theory because it helps us to be able to identify, recognize and remember the concept and ideas of the images much faster. Advertisement always create schema to make consumers to buy their product. Without schema, consumers would not be able to remember any kind of advertisement they read or even they would not be bother to look at it. Below are some examples to illustrate my points:


Dr.Chris Woo lecture notes.
Lester, M. Paul. (2005). Visual Communication: Images with Messages. USA: Cengage Learning.

1 ulasan:

  1. While I do see some negotiation with the terms and concepts learnt, there are a few important things to note here:

    1) Where is the question that you are supposed to answer from the module outline? You must place this right in the beginning of each week's entry.

    2) Where are the in-text references? And where's the research to validate your points? So far you only have Lester and some website that is not scholarly. My lecture notes are only to be used as a way to help you understand the points. It should not be used as reference or just cut and paste into the blog.

    3) Gestalt and Schema are interrelated but different theories.

    The examples used in this blog are generally well chosen and shows your understanding, however, until the issues I've mentioned above are fixed, the blog entries still have much to be desired.
