Jumaat, 16 November 2012

Week 7: Visual Narrative and the Media: An image speaks a thousand words – because I made it so.

1.      Why is narrative important when shaping a visual image to the audience?
This week we learnt about narrative. From what my understanding, narrative is re-telling of something that happened in words. Gennete (1990) stated that story tells the totally of the narrated events and discourse is the very fact of recounting. Therefore, any visual media needs both story and discourse in order to attract audience's attention. Audience will not entertain with a dull and not attracted story line. Discourse helps to form the rhyme and climax of visual image. Narrative is important to be use in visual media to help audiences to understand the context and easy to immerse the message of it. Without a narrative in visual image, audiences would not understand what the story about. Salmon (2009) stated that “The fact is that narrative is the way that humans communicate information: whether it’s a book or a screenplay or a magazine story, if there isn’t a narrative there, virtually no one will read it, and when they do they will read without pleasure, complaining about how “dry” it is. So if you’re a journalist — if your job is to make stuff that people want to read — then yes, you need narrative.”
I take an example from my own experience. I love games, and one of my favorite games is Spyro the Dragon. That game is full of adventures where Spyro travels to different kind of places to help his own kind which has been spell by the evil. Its story line is very interesting. I have to know what I am doing there and what my missions are. Thus narrative inspires and brings me into a world. A game without narrative is like a book with no words. A game with deeper and more meaningful the narrative would give more memorable the gaming experience and thus people keep coming back or thinking about it after they have stopped playing.

Gennete, G. (1990). Narrative discourse revisited. French: Cornell University Press.
Salmon, F. (2009). The Importance of Narrative.

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